Monday, November 5, 2007

Rain and Larium issues

The planned outing to the pool of the local posh hotel was cancelled due to inclement weather. An alternate date is currently being arranged. This was not rain but rather like the pouring of water out of a giant pitcher onto the city. Each house has a cement gutter (see visual aid above) running 'round it to shuttle away rain during the downpour.
In other news, I've developed a reaction to Larium, generic name mefloquine, which I take for malaria prophylaxis. This pill is taken weekly starting two weeks prior to arrival in the country. After taking Sunday's dose I felt very anxious and agitated, a little confused. You can get hallucinations and psychosis but fortunately I was spared of those effects. It seems to me that mefloquine is a good name to use when referring to the anti-malarial properties of the drug, wheras Larium connotates well the psychosis-inducing aspects.

1 comment:

Liana said...

I hope the switch from Larium reduces your delirium. I feel bad that you don't feel well, and I am so far away. Just imagine that I am about to put my arm around you, and you're saying, "don't touch me." I look forward to more posts!