Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Emmett ate cereal in his high chair today!

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring catch-up

Same shirt! (They're boys, and Linden now picks out his own clothes. It's my one opportunity to dress them up like dolls with their cooperation.)

Emmett is doing what he does most of the day: watching Linden.
Grandma Ellie visited last week. Linden is playing his new favorite game: Steal your nose.

Uncle Brad joined us, too.
Yard update:
We've used up most of the mulch. Unfortunately, Blair Co delivered the wrong amount, so we still have some flower beds that aren't mulched.

Here's our new shed, porch, and sandbox.

New flower bed in the corner by the fence and house. The Magnolia tree is in full bloom. I finished the window boxes, too.
Our other new flower bed. The bird bath is from Aunt Lori, Grandpa Suds, and Aunt Lynn in honor of my dad.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Overheard: "own sandbox!!"

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Sunday, April 17, 2011


Linden loves to wear the same clothes as Emmett:

Emmett fell asleep in a funny position, with one hand on the swing's upright bar and one hand on his cow:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Linden's birthday weekend

Happy 2nd birthday, Linden!

Linden is getting so grown up!

We had a wonderful party for Linden with a lot of special guests!
Grandma Ellie and Uncle Brad:

Grandma Jean and Grandpa Mike (with Linden, Emmett, and Jackson):

Great-Grandpa Suds, Great-Grandma Mead, and Great-Grandpa Mead:

We hosted a party at the Goodman Community Center for Linden's friends and neighbors.
GCC provided the toys, bikes, and bouncy house:

We had cupcakes, juice, and coffee while the kids played:

Dadda and Linden:

Momma, Emmett, Uncle Brad, Grandma Ellie:
Grandma Jean, Grandpa Mike, Great-Grandma Mead, Ken, Shaun, Liz, Olive, Linden, Samantha:
Matt and his family came all the way from MN and Dave came from Milwaukee:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Great day to vote

Linden, Emmett, and I just voted!

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

More pictures

Dadda and Emmett:

Linden and Emmett both sucking on hands and wearing doggie PJs. ("Jamas" as Linden would say.)

Spring has sprung!

I was trying to get Linden to smile for the picture by tickling him, but I didn't tickle Emmett. Linden is asking why Emmett doesn't laugh yet.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The protests continue in Madison. Today rural farmers wanted to make sure their voices were heard. Fifty permits were allowed, but rumor has it that several hundred showed up at the Allient Center's staging area.

We watched the protesters from the forth floor of the Historical Museum.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last weekend we had a chance to catch up with family in Green Bay. Grandpa Suds and Emmett meet for the first time:

Grandpa and Grandma Mead also get to meet Emmett, who clearly is quite relaxed in their arms:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

More smiled

Emmett likes the hanging toys!

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Driving home

We're driving back from Green Bay in a snow storm. Emmett is currently asleep. Linden is entertaining himself.

Coca is squeezed between the seats. (Her life was much better without brothers...)

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Friday, February 11, 2011


Linden reading to Emmett--they're preparing for the Super Bowl by reviewing football strategies.
Emmett holding Linden's hand:
Emmett has started smiling in response to your smiles. It just melts your heart!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grandma Jean & Aunt Lori visit

Grandma Jean and Aunt Lori visited us this week.
On our way out to lunch on Thursday, Linden fell off a toy stroller and split open his lip. It wouldn't stop bleeding, and we thought we might need stitches. The ER doctor said that he would stitch an older person's lip, but we'd have to sedate Linden to put in and take out the stitches. We decided it wasn't worth the risk. Linden was a calm patient, and it was definitely more difficult for me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

December catch-up

We were a little busy at the end of December with a stomach flu and new baby... we never posted pictures from Chris and Jen's holiday party.
Here we are opening presents:
Grandma Jean, Grandpa Mike, Jackson, and Linden:

Grandma Jean and Linden playing with water in our kitchen sink:

Play-date with Mari, William, and Samantha: