Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chris and Jen's Wedding

The weather cooperated on Saturday afternoon, and it was comfortable, dry, and in the mid-80s. Here's Chris waiting at the alter before the ceremony began.
Here's Jeanine being seated:
And then Barb:
The music was lovely.
Jen and Chris during the ceremony:
Here's the whole bridal party with the Capital in the background:
I read an ancient Sanskrit poem:
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mead:
The reception was held in a beautiful room at the Overture Center. Jen and Chris both looked fantastic, and they had a great time at the reception!
Both the Meads and the Wiesners enjoyed the party too.I loved the Bride's maids dresses. They were cocktail length and a deep plum color. They all looked so beautiful!
My parents had a wonderful time, too. Here my Mom and Dad dance slowly:
And here my Mom does the Electric Slide:
Grandma Mead enjoys a bootful of beer courtesy of Joe:

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