Sunday, March 15, 2009

Baby's room

We're 36 weeks pregnant this week! We start the weekly visits to the doctor this week, which include internal exams. At first I felt uncomfortable about what Scott would do while the doctor performs this exam. Would he hold my hand? Would he leave the room? Would he watch what the doctor was doing?

However, I realized that this is only the beginning of the end of my modesty and privacy...

The baby's room is pretty much ready, thanks to lots of wonderful gifts from friends and family. The special items seen in this shot:
--mobile that Scott brought back from Uganda (hanging from light)
--hand-made cradle from Scott's great-grandfather (and used by many Meads, Suidzinskis, and Green Bay friends)
--musical dog-themed mobile and blanket from Sterling and Jannea
--vibrating seat from Susie
--antique picture frame from from Scott
--soon-to-bloom magnolia tree out the window
--rug (wedding present from David and Gita)

The special items seen in this shot:
--antique dresser (that we got half price by waiting three months to purchase)
--diaper bag from Rebecca
--hand-made turtle/monkey from Erik sitting on dresser
--jogging stroller with a yellow blanket that I knitted

The special items seen in this shot:
--clown quilt hand-made by my mom
--hand-made dog-themed blanket and chair from my mom and dad
--boppy cover hand-made by Claire
--Coca's bed (even though she's still not comfortable being in the room)
--teddy bears from Scott's Aunts Lynn and Lori

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bright, cheery room. It looks like you're completely ready!