Linden still prefers to sleep during the day-light hours, but we're coping well with the lack of sleep. My mom has been very, very helpful-- she rocks Linden to sleep at 3 am, she cooks for us, and she teaches me how to be a good mommy. We're going to miss her very much when she leaves.

We took Linden and Coca for a walk today. Rebecca witnessed the hot debate over the stroller. I am really satisfied with the jogger adapted to hold our car seat. It's going to be a great spring and summer--what a perfect time to have maternity leave!

Here's Scott with Linden:

And here's Linden just hanging out:
1 comment:
Yea! A daily fix! I can't wait. And, I saw a guy in our neighborhood yesterday with the carseat/jogger combo. What a great solution!
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