Linden had a low fever on and off for about a week, and then he had a higher fever (over 104') for a few days. We're all recovered and back to sleeping relatively well! Here is a brief catch-up of the last three weeks:
Linden and I met Susie in Milwaukee. Susie looks so cute 20 weeks pregnant. Linden loved going down the slide at the Children's Museum again and again.
Mom's Night Out: Monica organized a trip to Cafe Continental, and we all had a great time!
Alix, Alyson, Alicia
Shelley, Amy, Monica, Jessica, Amy, Rachel, Katherine

We traveled to Illinois to visit my parents and to see my cousin Judd who was in town for business.

My dad enjoyed showing Linden his train set. Linden had fun watching the trains and turning the dials to control the trains' speeds.

My mom gave Linden a bath in the kitchen sink.

Jeanine visited and helped out last week too.
Jeanine and I took Linden to the YMCA's indoor water park. Linden felt apprehensive at first, but he liked watching the other kids play in the water. Eventually, Linden had a great time going down the slide again and again and again...