Blame the usual culprits for our lack of posts - busy jobs, general laziness, illegal immigration, The Wire DVDs from Netflix. Above all, blame the spring yardwork. Here are some of the highlights that have occurred since the last post.
Susie and Keith visited Madison. Here Susie sets up a tug-of-war between Lula and Coca.

More dog hijinks at the dog park. This picture was taken about 10 seconds after Chris demanded that Pacino not lay in the mud. Pacino looks quite pleased with himself.

The garden: leaf mulch from Olbrich that we picked up and unloaded.

Here the leaf mulch has been skillfully applied to the perennial garden by LL.

And here is the vegetable garden. Onion sets and potatoes are in the front of the picture. The trellis for pole beans and sugar snap peas is in the back of the garden. At the opposite side of the garden the spinach and leaf lettuce is starting to appear.

The magnolia tree blooms this year (Last year all the buds froze). We had a neighborhood party to celebrate it yesterday.